java api

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  • 网络java应用程序接口
java apijava api
  1. Test the Java API reference documentation that was generated .


  2. The following sample program illustrates the usage of Java API


  3. The mining interface is also available as a Java API for custom environments .


  4. Use the Message Broker Java API to interact with the global cache .


  5. Designing and Implementing Progress Bar with Java API


  6. Book by chapter points out the various packages JAVA API , and using alphabetical order .


  7. A single Java API can typically consist of seven or more package files .


  8. We will now propose a Java API for XML Encryption and provide a sample implementation .


  9. It has Java API support , which facilitates the programmatic comparison of XML documents .


  10. Combining this method with Java API , it is a good supplement to Java garbage reclaiming mechanism .


  11. Viewing your Java API reference documentation


  12. We are therefore limited to PMI data which makes Java API calls to get free memory and total memory statistics .


  13. To make things easier , the Java API is packaged into a plug-in that is available in the environment .


  14. JNDI is a Java API that allows the physical locations of resources to be abstracted into names .


  15. I elaborated on the use of different XML Encryption tags and proposed a Java API for XML Encryption based on DOM .


  16. Now , let 's take a look at the Java API that lets you create and edit video files programmatically .


  17. It is the first Java API that has allowed Java programmers to connect to OLAP servers from different vendors .


  18. Rational Asset Manager offers a plain Java API that provides access to community and user creation , as well as asset manipulation .


  19. After adding the JAR file , you can use the classes and interfaces defined by the Notes Java API in your project .


  20. You can use a SOAP API to communicate content using XML data structures or a Java API to communicate content using SDO data graphs .


  21. Performance data can be printed to a log file , stored in a round-robin database , or made available through a Java API .


  22. The biggest problem with this framework is that the class library is poor because it 's difficult to integrate with the synchronous Java API .


  23. The system not only provides a flexible Java API to call , but also provides users a quick and easy visualization of graphics editing tool .


  24. The Java API expects only two parameters : the source ( input XML document ) and the result ( where to save the output ) .


  25. Although JCSP is currently implemented using the standard Java API , it need not be , and in the future it may well not be .


  26. It applies the style sheet ( through the standard Java API designed by Sun ) and runs the result through the text formatter .


  27. The CM agent picks up the data from the temporary data file and stores it in the repository by using the CM Java API .


  28. For instance , Hyperion 's implementation of XMLA uses a Java API based on the JOLAP specification .


  29. Any e-business application developer can use this Java API to easily find business entities and services from different UDDI registries using a single search request .


  30. Here , you need to digest the contents of the POST that contains the system details and then populate them into the Java API .
